Josh Spence
Former LHP Padres - Team Australia
1. Could you tell us your story on dropping down?
I’ve always been curious and creative when it came to baseball. I was very fortunate growing up in Australia I was around some open-minded coaches who gave me a platform to develop and flourish in this game. One thing that I believed helped my development was that I started playing mens league baseball at the age of 14, competing in that environment gave me perspective on what it means to harness your strengths as a player. They didn’t ‘pigeon hole me’ into being one particular type of player but put me in an environment that enabled me to find out who I was.
I have always had a fascination with manipulating the baseball (and its axis), then more I tinkered the more the lower arm-slot just felt more comfortable when kinetically connecting my body. At about the age 18 it became my regular slot.
2. What are some of the advantages you had from your arm angle?
The two main pitches in my repertoire were 2-seam and Slider. I felt that from my slot and standing on the 3rd base-side of the rubber it enabled the best location to consistently tunnel my two best pitches.
3. If you didn't drop down, do you think you would have had the same success?
Without trying to be philosophical with my answer, I believe success is relative. I don’t attribute success to one thing just like I don’t attribute failure to one thing. If there’s one thing i’ve learnt in baseball its that this game is not fair and opportunity is hard to come by. I don’t wish anything different about my journey and am blessed to have things in my life happen organically the way they did. One blessing which I am now releasing is that growing up in Australia gave me an environment to fail and learn before anyone could really get their eyes (and hands) on me which in todays age with technology that just doesn’t happen.
4. What would you tell someone debating on changing their arm angle?
This might not be the correct perspective but I am under the impression that if you’re debating a change, you need to tinker with it. Clarity with your mental state is principle when competing and I believe we live in an age where you can receive tangible data (through products like Rapsodo and Trackman) and evaluate yourself accurately in a more expedited manner.
5. Are there any mechanical tips that you'd give to someone throwing sidearm/submarine?
As cliché as this sounds, the principles to throwing sidearm are the same principles with throwing regularly. Flexibility and Mobility might be more important when throwing sidearm especially with your hips. For anyone wanting to throw sidearm I would tell them to research a mathematical problem called the brachistochrone principle and how can they create the same momentum using a similar pattern will help them create rhythm (sync) within their delivery.
6. What pitches did you throw?
I liked to ‘throttle’ my pitches
Fastball: 78-86Change up: 74-78Slider: 76-82Curveball: 65-70
7. How did you pitch to lefties/righties?
I pitched everyone away and off my slider. Occasionally I’d try and sneak a fastball in when appropriate.